The green light to better vision |
Seamless Vision
Asphericity - Smooth, uniform vision
when scanning from far to near. No more
swimming effect. Just pure, strain-free
vision. designed for Baby
Boomers, Nikon Go Digital is perfect for
the first-time progressive wearer.
Nikon Go Digital has edge-to-edge far
vision, which makes it the right choice
for the active person. For work and
play, every day.
Nikon Go Digital has edge-to-edge far
vision, which makes it the right choice
for the active person. For work and
play, every day. |
Nikon GO
is a new Aspheric
progressive lens perfectly
designed to meet the
challenge of today presbyope
who desires the highest
standard of visual comfort
at all distances throughout
the day.
Combined with excellent
aesthetics, Nikon GO is
ideal for emerging
presbyopes as well as active
people. |
In order to reduce unwanted
aberrational astigmatism in
the periphery, distortions
are balanced and
redistributed through
nanometric aspheric
modifications. This enhances
peripheral vision clarity
and provides a smooth
transition when the eye goes
from center to periphery. |